Vietnam Academy of Social Sciences Trade Union has just held a workshop with the topic “Plastic waste management in the world and in Vietnam: Current situation and solutions”.
In the framework of propaganda to raise workers’ awareness of Vietnam Academy of Social Sciences (VAST) on environmental protection, in the face of pollution of plastic waste, especially garbage Ocean and the implementation of the Annual Plan of the Union Academy of the Academy, the Union of the Academy cooperated with the Institute of Human Geography to organize the seminar on “Plastic waste management in the world and in Vietnam: current status and solution”.

Speaking at the opening of the Workshop, Professor Dang Nguyen Anh – Vice President of Vietnam Academy of Social Sciences emphasized the role of the media in changing the behavior and habits of using disposable plastic products. in human life and its serious harm to the environment.
Pollution caused by plastic waste and plastic bags is a disaster caused by humans for themselves and for their fellow human beings and is now becoming an urgent problem globally and is considered a challenge. second largest school in the world, after climate change. More than 50% of the plastic consumed every day is in disposable plastic products.
That means, in the millions of tons of plastic produced each year, more than half of which only gives us a sense of convenience in minutes like plastic cups, straws, plastic bags.

Then, these things are thrown into the environment and become useless plastic items. It exists in the natural environment and becomes extremely harmful.
At the seminar, experts also said that in order to minimize plastic waste, especially in the health sector, medical facilities must develop plans, goals and roadmap for minimizing plastic waste from specialized activities. medical subjects; from the daily activities of the patient, the patient’s family, and the medical staff.
At the same time, to thoroughly classify hard-to-decompose plastic and plastic wastes for collection and recycling according to regulations; strives to completely end the use of non-biodegradable plastic and disposable plastic materials.
In addition, people should change their behavior and habits of using plastic bags and disposable plastic products right now.
Closing remarks, TS. Nguyen Song Tung highly appreciated the comments and suggestions at the Workshop and said that the presentations focused on clarifying the most basic issues about plastic waste in the world and in Vietnam.
From there, giving specific solutions to minimize the use of plastic products, limit the discharge of plastic waste into the environment. TS. The Deputy Director of the Institute of Human Geography believes that with the information from the seminar, the VAST’s staff will become communicators to act more actively in protecting the environment, contributing to improving efficiency. work and quality of life.