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Agreement Together

When it comes to writing, proper grammar and clarity are essential for effective communication. One common mistake many writers make is using the phrase “agreement together.” This term is redundant and unnecessary, as the word “agreement” already implies working together towards a common goal.

To understand why “agreement together” is incorrect, let`s break down the phrase. “Agreement” refers to a mutual understanding or a decision reached by two or more parties. The word itself implies cooperation and collaboration. Adding the word “together” only serves to repeat this idea and doesn`t add any new information.

Using “agreement together” can also detract from the clarity of your writing. When readers come across this phrase, they may pause to try and understand the meaning behind the repetition. This can interrupt the flow of your writing and cause confusion.

To avoid using “agreement together,” it`s important to understand the context in which the phrase is typically used. It`s often seen in legal documents or contracts, where precise language is necessary. However, even in these cases, it`s better to use a more concise and straightforward term, such as “mutual agreement” or “collaborative agreement.”

In summary, “agreement together” is a redundant phrase that should be avoided in writing. It adds nothing to the meaning of the sentence and can detract from clarity and understanding. Instead, opt for more concise and clear language to effectively communicate your ideas.