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Ibew 586 Collective Agreement 2019

The International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers (IBEW) Local 586 represents electrical workers in Calgary, Alberta and the surrounding areas. In 2019, the union negotiated a new collective agreement with their employers that will affect thousands of workers in the electrical industry.

The new agreement includes several changes that will benefit union members. One of the most significant changes is a wage increase for all workers covered by the agreement. Additionally, workers will see improvements to their benefits plans, including increased vacation time, better health and dental coverage, and improved pension plans.

Another major change in the agreement is a new provision for apprenticeship programs. The new provision will provide more opportunities for workers to gain experience and training in the electrical industry. This will be particularly important for new workers who may be struggling to find employment in the current market.

The agreement also includes provisions for safety training and job-site safety protocols. Electrical work can be dangerous, and the union has worked hard to ensure that their members are protected from accidents and injury. The new agreement includes additional safety training and protocols that will help protect workers on the job.

The IBEW Local 586 collective agreement for 2019 is an important step forward for workers in the electrical industry. The new agreement will provide increased wages and benefits for workers, as well as more opportunities for training and apprenticeship programs. Additionally, the new safety provisions will help protect workers on the job and ensure that they are able to work safely and efficiently.

If you are an electrical worker in the Calgary area, be sure to talk to your union representative about the new collective agreement and how it will affect you. With the support of the IBEW Local 586, you can look forward to a brighter future in the electrical industry.